Micah Hixon
A die hard Sooner fan through and through. Micah transferred his allegiance to the Oklahoma City Thunder the year the Mavs won the title (go figure). He believes the Thunder and Sooners have many titles to come in the not too distant future. Most of his comments are not backed up by any sort of fact based reasoning, but you can trust him.

Blake Mills
Blake has always had a passion for sports in all categories (except maybe hockey). Even recently he has taken some interest in soccer. A self-proclaimed nerd for weird stats, news and the ever popular "where did he go to school" game. Blake wants to use this website with his cohort in crime to vent and let you know what they think about everything including their arrogance, ignorance and intelligence.

Caleb Hixon
Life long Sooner fan and former resident of Norman, OK. Loves sports, music and Jesus. His dream would to one day be Ron Burgundy.